Construction Update March 2024

We are pleased to provide a construction update on the renewal of the George Street Vehicle Bridge, which has now been awarded to a contractor.
This means that you may see preliminary works commencing on site, with full site establishment and works occurring after Easter the week of Tuesday 2 April. This establishment will include sediment control measures downstream and safeguarding of significant trees which will be monitored throughout the project by an experienced arborist.
Removal of non-regulated trees downstream of the creek will take place commencing the week of Monday 8 April.
Demolition of the existing bridge is scheduled to occur after Monday 29 April. This will involve road closure at the bridge site, so detours will be in place for local traffic, and we appreciate your patience.
The surface re-design, as supported by Council in December 2023, is nearing completion and will be presented to the community shortly. This will prioritise pedestrian connectivity between Delwood Reserve and J.W. Morris Reserve, native planting along the riverbank to replace the removed exotic trees downstream of the bride, and raingardens and planting areas to green the area. This will likely match the plantings that were undertaken adjacent Mitcham Library up-stream, subject to further input from the community.