Have Your Say on Asset Management Plans
Consultation has concluded
The City of Mitcham is responsible for looking after roads, footpaths, stormwater, open space, buildings and much more. We refer to these as Council’s assets and they are valued at over one billion dollars.
To look after these assets, we have plans which help us manage all of our assets called Asset Management Plans. These draft plans have been developed from a combination of technical data, financial analysis, and feedback from the community regarding levels of service. They outline how Council how assets are constructed, operated, maintained, replaced, and upgraded.
These plans are available exclusively through an online platform, with direct links at the bottom of this page. This format has been used to better share Council's rich asset data, including spatial information displayed through interactive maps.
What we want to know from you
We are inviting you to provide feedback on all aspects of the draft Asset Management Plans.
Where can you find more information?
Answers to a number of frequently asked questions can be found in the FAQ tab on the right, along with asset category definitions. You can also ask a question via the Q&A tool below.
If you would like to talk to a member of the Project Team, please contact a relevant Council Staff Member listed under the 'Who's Listening' tab to the right.
Next steps
Your feedback will inform the final versions of the Asset Management Plans, which will be be presented to Council for endorsement later this calendar year.
Asset Management Plans
Click on the links below to review the digital Asset Management Plans.
Please note: Google Chrome is the preferred browser to view the digital plans.
Transport Asset Management Plan
Stormwater Asset Management Plan
Open Space Asset Management Plan
Building Asset Management Plan