Decisions from the 26 March Special Council meeting on the Mortlock Park Community Consultation Feedback and Decisions on Future Use
On 26 March 2024, a Special Council Meeting was held to consider the Mortlock Park Projects consultation, feedback received from the community, and decisions regarding the future use of Mortlock Park — totalling 11 decisions in all. The report, spanning over 400 pages, reflected careful decision-making and built upon the outcomes and recommendations from the results of the engagement process. This initiative included comprehensive engagement with the community, such as pop-up information sessions, comprehensive and innovative online survey, and the establishment of an Advisory Group to gather a diverse range of community input.
During the meeting, community representatives and sports clubs shared their perspectives, proposed solutions and concerns through well-prepared presentations, which were warmly received by the Council. The significant community interest and support were evident, with a full gallery of residents observing the proceedings. Importantly, despite the importance of the issues discussed and the personal investment of many attendees, the presentations were delivered with mutual respect.
The Council's deliberations were thorough and extensive, culminating in the endorsement of all 11 recommendations.
Summary of decisions
A comprehensive record of the decisions outlined below is available for review in the Special Full Council Minutes.
Decision 1 – Option 1 : Council resolved to demolish the Girl Guides Hall (subject to relocating the Girl Guides) and return the footprint to open space.
Decision 2 – Option 1 : Council resolved to consider future funding for a redesign of the former Scouts Hall for use by the Girl Guides and to allow community groups to continue to use the hall during the redesign phase.
Decision 3 – amended motion : Council resolved to licence Goodwood Baseball Club to use the oval space in a manner which represented a compromise between club and community wishes.
Decision 4 – Option 1 : Council resolved to licence Colonel Light Gardens Football Club to use the oval space.
Decision 5 – Option 1 : Council resolved to licence St Therese Primary School and Colonel Light Gardens Primary School to use the oval space.
Decision 6 – Option 1 : Council resolved to fund the shortfall (from club, State & Federal Government funding) for the Design 2 Gil Langley Building Upgrade and Extension, Batting Tunnels, and storage.
Decision 7 – Option 1: Council resolved to offer a 10-year lease to both sporting clubs for the clubroom building (noting a variation may be necessary following redevelopment).
Decision 8 – Option 1 : Council resolved to fund the shortfall to install upgraded lighting using 6 x 18m light towers.
Decision 9 – Option 1 : Council resolved to approve new baseball infrastructure including a backstop fence and fencing adjacent Freeling Crescent and Colonel Light Gardens Primary School
Decision 10 – Option 1 : Council resolved to amend the Mortlock Park Concept Plan to reflect decisions 1 thru 9.
Decision 11 – Option 1: Council resolved to consider funding for scoping the remaining Concept Plan elements as part of the 2024/25 Annual Business Plan & Budget process.
It's important to note that these decisions represent only the initial phase in realising the various projects planned for Mortlock Park. As these developments progress, we are committed to keeping the community informed and engaged at every significant milestone.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all participants who actively engaged in the Mortlock Park Projects consultation. Your invaluable contributions through survey completions, feedback at our pop-up sessions, involvement in the Mortlock Park Projects Advisory Group, and written responses are highly appreciated.