Hawthorndene New Footpath Network Study
Consultation Outcomes
In June 2024, Council invited the Hawthorndene community to help us understand where Council should extend and link the existing footpath network to facilitate safer and more convenient access for the local community.
We would like to thank those who provided feedback and recommendations during the consultation period. We received 148 pins on our online interactive map that indicated priority locations for new footpaths and identified hazards or maintenance issues requiring attention. We also had insightful conversations with community members during our drop-in sessions held at Apex Park and GD Wholesale Fruit and Veg.
What we heard
The feedback received was highly informative, with many members of the community sharing with us their first, second and third priorities for new footpath locations. Some of these priority locations were new footpaths for an entire street, while others were shorter connectivity issues which at times made walking or cycling difficult or unsafe.
In reviewing the feedback received, several streets were identified as priority locations for new footpaths, including Sycamore Crescent, Chancery Lane and Gorse Avenue (Sycamore intersection). Additionally, multiple intersection improvements were flagged where alterations will increase safer access for pedestrians and road users. These are some of the priority locations where investigations and designs will be undertaken this year. Further information about what we heard from the community is available on the map below.
Other locations, such as Batley Avenue, were also identified, however will not be designed due to site and construction limitations, such as significant removal of trees that would be required to accommodate a potential new footpath.
All the feedback received has been reviewed and has given Council a clearer understanding of the community’s priorities in the Hawthorndene area. This will allow Council to better plan future works in the area, including aligning upcoming kerb and road works along with new footpaths, subject to available funding.
Hawthorndene Drive Pedestrian Crossings
As part of the 2024/25 Capital Works Program, funding has been endorsed for the construction of two pedestrian refuges on Hawthorndene Drive. These pedestrian refuges will be installed post community consultation and design. As part of the design, Council will undertake footpath network improvements as required. A sperate consultation will be undertaken in April / May 2025, for the pedestrian refuges.
Maintenance issues
Whilst this consultation focused on new footpath connections, maintenance concerns regarding the current footpath network were also identified. Requests for footpath maintenance were forwarded to Council’s Operations Support team for assessment and the scheduling of maintenance works where required.
What are the next steps?
As part of the Hawthorndene New Footpath Study, funding has been allocated to develop designs based on community feedback and recommendations. Council’s Engineering team will develop designs for priority locations including Sycamore Crescent, Chancery Lane and Gorse Avenue. A subsequent consultation process will be undertaken with residents directly impacted by these designs. Construction of these footpaths is subject to future funding and Council approval as part of the Annual Business Plan and Budget process.
Additionally, further footpath links may be considered for design, subject to the final location of the pedestrian refuges on Hawthorndene Drive.
For more information please read the outcome letter to the right of this page. To stay informed on progress please subscribe via the 'Follow Project' tab to the right of this page.
Council has previously consulted with the community on proposed new footpaths on a street-by-street basis based on a number of technical considerations. As part of this study, we want to involve the community earlier in the process to understand where improvements need to be made to create a connected network that meets community need. We want to hear your stories about where you are travelling and how you get there.
Over the last few years, Council has received a number of new footpath requests from many residents in Hawthorndene, that have been investigated and prioritised. Council has also been working closely with Hawthorndene Primary School to improve and promote safe active travel to and from school, with one of the main elements of this being an extended footpath network. We are looking to extend this conversation with the wider community which will assist us with identifying gaps right across the suburb.
The Hawthorndene Footpath Network Study has been endorsed and funded as part of the 2024/25 New Footpath Program.
What we want to understand
The map below displays our suburb focus area and the existing footpath network (blue lines), which shows current network gaps. What we want to understand is:
- As a member of the local community, where would you like to see a new footpath/s installed?
- What new links will improve the overall network and connectivity for the Hawthorndene community?
- How do you access local parks, open space facilities, businesses and public transport?
Where can you find more information?
Answers to a number of frequently asked questions can be found in the FAQ tab on the right.
The focus of this study is on new footpaths and linking the existing footpath network. If there are any existing footpath that require maintenance, please raise a maintenance request via the 'Report a hazardous or damaged footpath' link on the right of this page.
Hawthorndene Footpath Network Map
Welcome to the Hawthorndene Footpath Network Map
Here you can see our Focus Area within the suburb of Hawthorndene (pink zone within the map).
Pins can be placed anywhere inside the Focus Area (pink zone).
How to place pins and provide your feedback:
- To place a pin, click on the icon on the left of the screen.
- Now select a pin and drag to the relevant location on the map (within the pink boundary)
- We have provided three (3) pins so you are able to share with us your first, second and third priority. Please limit to one pin per category to help us with our analysis.
- Once you have placed a pin, a comment box will appear where we will ask you for some more information. Please complete this for each priority.