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PCC Participant Survey May 2024

We would like to acknowledge that the land the Pasadena Community Centre is located on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with the land, sky and sea. 

As part of our Grant funding with the State Government through the Department of Human Services we are required to survey everyone who visits the Pasadena Community Centre for one week every six months. The information from our survey will tell us a little more about you and help us understand who we are providing our service to. You don't need to tell us your name if you don't want to so your answers can stay anonymous.


What is your age?


What is your gender?

Select option

Select option

The next two questions relate to two priority populations of the Department of Human Services (DHS), who contribute funding to our Community Centre. If you do not wish to answer, please tick "prefer not to say".

Select option

Select option

Select option

Reflecting on your involvement/participation in the Community Centre for the last year, how much would you say the following statements apply to you ?


I feel better connected to other people and meet people through the Pasadena Community Centre


I have gained new knowledge or skills through the Pasadena Community Centre


I am better connected to services


Pasadena has had a positive impact on my life


I feel safer in my local area


I have met people I now consider to be friends at Pasadena Community Centre


I am content with my friendships and relationships


I have enough people I feel comfortable asking for help at any time


My relationships are as satisfying as I would want them to be

Select option

Thank you for taking the time to complete our six-monthly survey. Should you have any questions regarding this survey or would like to provide us more information, please contact:

Rebecca Olthoff
Project Manager

Pasadena Community Centre

8372 8888