State-wide Bushfire Hazards Overlay Code Amendment

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Thank you for your contributions. This consultation is now closed.

We sought your feedback on the State Government’s proposal to update bushfire hazard mapping and effectively plan for and mitigate the impacts of bushfire hazards across the state.

The Planning and Design Code (“the Code”) contains the planning rules and policies that guide development and that planning authorities use to assess development proposals in South Australia. A Code Amendment is the method of changing policies, rules or mapping within the Code – such changes can affect the way that future developments are assessed.

The State Government has prepared the draft State-wide Bushfire Hazards Overlay Code Amendment. The Code Amendment seeks to update existing bushfire hazard mapping and apply new bushfire hazard mapping, where the level of bushfire hazard has not previously been mapped. This mapping is based on new and improved evidence-based data.

The proposed mapping overlays can be viewed online and in the draft Code Amendment document. Current mapping is contained in the SA Property & Planning Atlas (SAPPA), available here (select layers/planning & building/overlays/hazards – bushfire).

The draft Code Amendment also updates the current policy framework, bushfire hazard overlays and policies in the Code with the aim of ensuring that new development is more resilient to the impacts of bushfire.

The State Government invited submissions on the draft Code Amendment. All submissions will be considered to determine if the draft Code Amendment is suitable for adoption, or if changes should be made. Submissions will be published on the PlanSA portal after consultation closes and will be summarised in an engagement report.

While the draft Code Amendment is being managed by the State Government, it is relevant to City of Mitcham residents and we want to ensure that our community members are aware of the proposed changes and have the opportunity to participate in the community engagement process.

Public consultation on the draft Code Amendment closed at 5pm on 5 April 2024.

For more information on the draft Code Amendment and to provide your feedback, please visit the YourSAy website.

We will publish the outcomes of the consultation here.

Thank you for your contributions. This consultation is now closed.

We sought your feedback on the State Government’s proposal to update bushfire hazard mapping and effectively plan for and mitigate the impacts of bushfire hazards across the state.

The Planning and Design Code (“the Code”) contains the planning rules and policies that guide development and that planning authorities use to assess development proposals in South Australia. A Code Amendment is the method of changing policies, rules or mapping within the Code – such changes can affect the way that future developments are assessed.

The State Government has prepared the draft State-wide Bushfire Hazards Overlay Code Amendment. The Code Amendment seeks to update existing bushfire hazard mapping and apply new bushfire hazard mapping, where the level of bushfire hazard has not previously been mapped. This mapping is based on new and improved evidence-based data.

The proposed mapping overlays can be viewed online and in the draft Code Amendment document. Current mapping is contained in the SA Property & Planning Atlas (SAPPA), available here (select layers/planning & building/overlays/hazards – bushfire).

The draft Code Amendment also updates the current policy framework, bushfire hazard overlays and policies in the Code with the aim of ensuring that new development is more resilient to the impacts of bushfire.

The State Government invited submissions on the draft Code Amendment. All submissions will be considered to determine if the draft Code Amendment is suitable for adoption, or if changes should be made. Submissions will be published on the PlanSA portal after consultation closes and will be summarised in an engagement report.

While the draft Code Amendment is being managed by the State Government, it is relevant to City of Mitcham residents and we want to ensure that our community members are aware of the proposed changes and have the opportunity to participate in the community engagement process.

Public consultation on the draft Code Amendment closed at 5pm on 5 April 2024.

For more information on the draft Code Amendment and to provide your feedback, please visit the YourSAy website.

We will publish the outcomes of the consultation here.

Page last updated: 09 Apr 2024, 04:52 PM