Why is this project happening?

    As you may be aware, Council has sought feedback from the community on a proposed Flinders-City bikeway. This proposed bikeway aims to avoid areas of high vehicle volumes and a significant crash history involving vulnerable road users and vehicles.  

    Of the responses received, 75% of respondents supported the bikeway, with some subject to suggestions and alternatives. This valuable feedback received, has assisted in informing the next design iteration of the bikeway. However this project sees a great opportunity for Council to take further action regarding a section of the bikeway, as opposed to performing a simple road seal and kerb reconstruction. 

    Why is this being considered on this street?

    Acknowledging the community who utilise the AA Bailey Recreation Ground, Cumberland United Soccer Club and the Clarence Gardens Bowling Club, we recognise the need for ongoing on-street parking demand, especially if this is limited off-street. The introduction of exclusive bicycle lanes will result in the removal of on-street parking on Winona Avenue. The removal of all on-street parking was not something we were willing to consider. 

    Instead this design allows for on-street parking, but also reinforces our priorities in terms of road safety for all road users. 

    What are we specifically implementing?

    A cyclist friendly environment on a low volume, low speed local road that is formalised as part of the Flinders-City bikeway and adjacent to the AA Bailey Recreation Ground. This includes;

    • Introduction of traffic control treatments to encourage a low speed environment. This includes formalised parking bay areas, tree pits and road cushions. 
    • Introduction of a stencilled surface treatment to create an overrun area for two-way vehicle movements and cyclists. 
    • Introduce sustainable infrastructure, incorporating permeable pavements and verge tree inlets. The permeable pavements are to be introduced within the newly constructed parallel parking bay adjacent to the Clarence Gardens Bowls Club, formerly the non-standard angled parking bays. 

    When is this being constructed?

    We have an allocated budget for this project and we are scheduling to deliver this project next financial year (2021/2022)

    Could this bikeway route not go through the AA Bailey Recreation Ground instead of Winona Avenue?

    No, unfortunately after multiple attempts of trying to determine a sound path for cyclists through the ground, inclusive of the car park adjacent to the club rooms, the requirements to meet the relevant standards and guidelines were too convoluted in comparison to the utilisation of Winona Avenue. 

    Will the speed be reduced on Winona Avenue?

    Based on the changes to this road environment, Council will not be proceeding to reduce the speed limit at this point in time. In liaison with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, we believe that this environment will self regulate as a result of the traffic management devices being implemented. 

    Furthermore, to ensure that this environment adheres to the behaviours expected from this treatment, we will be undertaking continual post-implementation reviews. Should a speed reduction be warranted, we will continue to engage with yourselves to seek support.

    Will i be inconvenienced when this is scheduled for construction?

    We will endeavor to minimise disruptions, including noise, where possible. It is likely that traffic management will be in place such as road closures and detours, however there will be a contact person available in an emergency and to provide local access where possible. These will be provided at a later point in time. 

    Have we consulted with the relevant advocates for cycling?

    Yes, we have discussed the Flinders-City bikeway with BikeAdelaide and BikeSA. We have also advised them and encourage them to provide feedback on the Winona Avenue Cyclist Street.