What is the cost difference between the two options?
A high level cost estimate has been undertaken, which indicated that Option A and Option B will have similar costs and both options are currently funded within the existing allocated budget subject to Council’s decision on how to allocate the budget. The upright retaining walls share similar costs to the pre-cast culverts. Cost estimates based on previous works undertaken on similar projects, industry comparisons, and the immediate up-stream upright retaining walls.
What are the traffic impacts if the road is closed?
An external consultant undertook a traffic assessment as part of the investigations in 2011 for closure of the road at George Street vehicle bridge. This assessment was reviewed and updated in 2021 with the most recent traffic counts for the street network. The outcome of these assessments was that the surrounding streets could accept the traffic without requiring any traffic calming infrastructure should closure of the road at the vehicle bridge be decided.
Why are you undertaking another round of consultation?
In 2022, community engagement was undertaken for the renewal of George Street Vehicle Bridge.
During this community engagement, residents undertook a private letterbox drop to request that Council reconsider a previous design option to close the bridge to vehicle traffic to join the existing adjacent open spaces of Delwood Reserve and JW Morris Reserve and rehabilitate the creek.
As a result of this, Council decided at a Council meeting on 14th March 2023 to undertake further community engagement to present additional options to the public. This will enable Council to make an informed and final decision about the future of the bridge.
Are the draft designs available to be viewed in person?
Yes, large A3 copies of designs for Options A and B will be available for viewing at:
- The Civic Centre, 131 Belair Road, Torrens Park
- Mitcham Memorial Library, 154 Belair Road, Hawthorn
- Blackwood Library, 215 Main Road, Blackwood
Has the Option B (road closure) concept design changed compared to the 2013 concept plan to rehabilitate the creek?
Yes, the Council resolution includes avoiding impacts to adjacent properties' land or access. This means that there are some site limitations to consider when trying to match the 2013 concept plan for rehabilitating the creek.
The new concept plan for Option B includes upright retaining walls, which are necessary to protect properties and adjacent infrastructure but also limits the ability to rehabilitate the creek by laying back the banks.
The original 2013 concept plan can be viewed in the 14 March 2023 Council Report in the documents tab.
What are Council doing to protect the significant tree upstream of the vehicle bridge?
Option A and Option B both are designed to retain and safeguard the significant tree. An external arborist has been procured to consult during the design and construction and have advised on construction methodology to ensure safeguarding of the tree during works including: Batons protecting the trunk of the tree, hydrovac within the root zone, locations of machinery and stockpiles, and retaining existing wingwall to avoid impact, and monitoring during works.
How do these designs align with the Brownhill and Keswick Creek Stormwater Management Plans? (SMP)
The current vehicle bridge has capacity for a 1 in 100 year stormwater event, the Brownhill Keswick Creek SMP has identified sections of the creek for upgrade that do not currently have capacity for a 1 in 100 year stormwater event.
Therefore the bridge will not be impacted or funded by the stormwater management plan and both options will continue to meet the requirements of the SMP for flood events.
What are the next steps?
This community engagement will be collated and presented to Council in a subsequent Council report. This will enable Council to make a final decision on Option A or Option B. Following this any required design will be undertaken and the project will be tendered for construction and will proceed based on the final decision.
This project page will be continuously updated as the project progresses to ensure the latest information is provided to residents.