New toilet coming soon
We are excited to announce that, following overwhelming public support and careful consideration of community feedback and additional site surveys, we will proceed with the new toilet facility project as outlined in the attached plans.
The new public toilet facilities will be built next to the playground/gazebo area at Manson Oval. The facility will include a unisex accessible cubicle (with a baby change table) and a unisex ambulant cubicle, ensuring accessibility for all community members and visitors.
These toilets will be open only during daylight hours and will be cleaned daily to maintain hygiene standards. The existing toilet facilities on Alpha Road, which are not open to the public, will be closed and converted into storage for local sporting clubs that use Manson Oval.
We anticipate commencing construction around October 2024, with completion expected by January 2025.
Thank you for your valuable input and support in making this project a reality.