Moving Mitcham - Your Integrated Transport Plan

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Thank you for your feedback, this consultation is now closed and under review.


We have developed a draft Integrated Transport Plan called Moving Mitcham to guide future investment in the transport network to address existing and emerging transport challenges.

Your feedback will guide our priorities and help ensure the final plan reflects your needs and expectations.

The aim of Moving Mitcham includes the following key components:

  • A practical plan with objectives, strategies and actions
  • A plan with actions across six focus areas
  • Integrated, accessible and safe transport systems for all modes
  • A balance between economic, social and environmental outcomes

Moving Mitcham contributes to the achievement of the ‘Accessible, Healthy & Connected Community’ goal of Mitcham 2030, however, it will also play an important role in achieving the objectives of the ‘Sustainable City’ and ‘Dynamic & Prosperous Places’ goals. Mitcham 2030 aims to minimise the Council’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and maximise the uptake of clean and renewable energy technologies.

Given transport is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in South Australia (and accounts for approximately 19% of SA’s GHG emissions), the actions and strategies within this Integrated Transport Plan will have an important role in achieving this objective and actively aim to achieve a reduction in GHG emissions.

How can you help us?

Moving Mitcham is divided into six focus areas:

  • Focus Area 1 – Road Safety
  • Focus Area 2 – Walking and Cycling
  • Focus Area 3 – Public Transport
  • Focus Area 4 – Parking Management
  • Focus Area 5 – Transport and Development
  • Focus Area 6 – Technology (Smart solutions)

These focus areas include objectives, outcomes, and recommended actions and strategies (currently unfunded) that have been developed considering industry trends, transport challenges and ongoing community feedback.

We have presented the draft Moving Mitcham plan in two formats:

  • A summary version of the plan that summarises the objectives, outcomes, and recommended actions and strategies
  • A full version of the plan that includes the same information as the summary along with additional strategic context and background information that has been used to inform our plan

Both of these documents can be found in the Documents tab to the right of this page.

We invite you to share your feedback on the draft plan via our survey or share your suggestions with us via the Focus Area idea boards below. You can also email your submission to

Next Steps

Following community engagement, a final version of Moving Mitcham will be presented to Council for endorsement to guide future investment in our transport network.

Your ideas, your city - let's shape the future of transport together! Have your say by February 20, 2025!

Thank you for your feedback, this consultation is now closed and under review.


We have developed a draft Integrated Transport Plan called Moving Mitcham to guide future investment in the transport network to address existing and emerging transport challenges.

Your feedback will guide our priorities and help ensure the final plan reflects your needs and expectations.

The aim of Moving Mitcham includes the following key components:

  • A practical plan with objectives, strategies and actions
  • A plan with actions across six focus areas
  • Integrated, accessible and safe transport systems for all modes
  • A balance between economic, social and environmental outcomes

Moving Mitcham contributes to the achievement of the ‘Accessible, Healthy & Connected Community’ goal of Mitcham 2030, however, it will also play an important role in achieving the objectives of the ‘Sustainable City’ and ‘Dynamic & Prosperous Places’ goals. Mitcham 2030 aims to minimise the Council’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and maximise the uptake of clean and renewable energy technologies.

Given transport is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in South Australia (and accounts for approximately 19% of SA’s GHG emissions), the actions and strategies within this Integrated Transport Plan will have an important role in achieving this objective and actively aim to achieve a reduction in GHG emissions.

How can you help us?

Moving Mitcham is divided into six focus areas:

  • Focus Area 1 – Road Safety
  • Focus Area 2 – Walking and Cycling
  • Focus Area 3 – Public Transport
  • Focus Area 4 – Parking Management
  • Focus Area 5 – Transport and Development
  • Focus Area 6 – Technology (Smart solutions)

These focus areas include objectives, outcomes, and recommended actions and strategies (currently unfunded) that have been developed considering industry trends, transport challenges and ongoing community feedback.

We have presented the draft Moving Mitcham plan in two formats:

  • A summary version of the plan that summarises the objectives, outcomes, and recommended actions and strategies
  • A full version of the plan that includes the same information as the summary along with additional strategic context and background information that has been used to inform our plan

Both of these documents can be found in the Documents tab to the right of this page.

We invite you to share your feedback on the draft plan via our survey or share your suggestions with us via the Focus Area idea boards below. You can also email your submission to

Next Steps

Following community engagement, a final version of Moving Mitcham will be presented to Council for endorsement to guide future investment in our transport network.

Your ideas, your city - let's shape the future of transport together! Have your say by February 20, 2025!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is divided into six sections for each Focus Area. You can choose to provide feedback on all Focus Areas or only those that interest you. 

    You will not be able to save your progress to complete later so please allow enough time to complete the full survey.

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Page last updated: 20 Feb 2025, 05:40 PM