Winston Avenue and Caulfield Avenue Intersection Upgrade
Update - Detailed Design
The detailed design for the Winston Avenue and Caulfield Avenue intersection is now 90% complete pending minor stormwater design changes. You can view the design in the Concept Design tab to the right of this page. Residents and business owners near the intersection will receive further correspondence from Council before construction commences.
Thank you to those who provided feedback on the design for the Winston Avenue and Caulfield Avenue Intersection Upgrade.
116 contributions were received and the outcomes of our consultation are summarised to the right of this page in the Consultation Report.
To summarise the key themes in order of most mentioned:
- Suggestion to restrict right turn from Caulfield Avenue
- Support for the overall design
- Opposition to a 40km/hr speed limit
- Suggestion to maintain stop sign controls
- Suggestion to restrict additional car parking to improve visibility
- Opposition to the raised intersection
- Suggestion to install a roundabout
Each of these have been reviewed by our Traffic and Transport team with more detail provided in our Consultation report.
Of note is that Council is now seeking approval from the Department for Infrastructure and Transport to install flashing LED "Give Way" signs to enhance visibility and compliance at the Caulfield Avenue approaches to the intersection. This is similar to what has been approved for the Tutt Avenue and Rugby Street intersection upgrade, involving sensors to detect approaching vehicles.
Feedback and suggestions will be incorporated into the detailed design which is scheduled to be finalised in March 2025.
Construction is estimated to commence between April and June 2025.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact our Traffic and Transport team via 1300 133 466 or email
In late 2023, community engagement was conducted as part of a local area traffic management (LATM) study for the area bounded by Cross Road, Winston Avenue, Daws Road, and Goodwood Road with an aim to gather feedback from local residents, commuters and other interested parties to inform the development of traffic management interventions.
One of the key recommendations that emerged from this community engagement was an upgrade of the Winston Avenue and Caulfield Avenue intersection, which was identified as a black spot. The City of Mitcham nominated this project as part of the 2024-25 Black Spot Program and we are pleased to share that this nomination was successful. This includes funding of $407,830 (including GST) funded by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.
We are now seeking community feedback on the design for the Winston Avenue and Caulfield Avenue intersection upgrade. Other interventions proposed as part of the LATM study will be subject to separate community consultation as required.
What does this upgrade hope to achieve?
The project aims to achieve significant road safety improvements for vulnerable road users and motorists through the;
- Implementation of a raised intersection treatment aimed at naturally reducing vehicle speeds, creating a safer environment for vehicles and pedestrians.
- Introduction of multi-block paver threshold treatments and raised side intersections intended to strengthen the effectiveness of existing priority controlled 'Give Way' signs by providing additional visual cues to road users.
- Installation of kerb extensions designed to enhance intersection visibility, making navigation safer and more efficient.
- Modification of speed limit to 40km/h proposed for Winston Avenue subject to outcome of the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) South Road traffic study and the Council LATM study.
The concept design can be viewed in the Concept Design tab to the right of this page.
When will this project commence?
Subject to feedback received, Council anticipates the commencement of construction on the proposed upgrade to occur between February and June 2025.
Council will ensure that all efforts are made to minimise any inconvenience to residents and commuters during the construction period and will provide advance notice of any impacts to surrounding residents and businesses.