Local Area Traffic Management, Cumberland Park, Daw Park and Colonel Light Gardens West

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10 September 2024 Full Council Meeting - Outcomes

Decision 1 - Cumberland Park and Daw Park draft Local Area Traffic Management community engagement (Carried)

Council notes the Initial Community Engagement feedback report as per Attachment A

  1. Council notes the Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) technical report presented in Attachment B
  2. Council supports undertaking further community engagement on the proposed draft LATM plan (Attachment C).

Decision 2 - Support development and community engagement on additional improvements outside the study area (Carried)

  1. Council develops conceptual options for key interventions in Melrose Park, Clarence Gardens and St Marys as outlined in this report and seeks community feedback on these options.
  2. That Council supports a one-off operating budget allocation of $30,000 for design works to be considered at Budget Review One.

For the full minutes of this meeting, please visit our website.

10 September 2024 Full Council Meeting - Background

Thank you for sharing your experiences regarding traffic in Cumberland Park, Daw Park and Colonel Light Gardens West to help us identify areas for improvement and make our roads and transport network safer for everyone.

We are pleased to share that at the 10 September 2024 Full Council Meeting a report will be presented to Council on the outcomes of the initial community engagement period, and to seek Council endorsement on the draft local area traffic management approach and associated recommendations. This includes undertaking further community engagement on a number of prosed recommendations including:

  1. A trial to reduce the speed limit to 40 km/h in the Cumberland Park and Daw Park areas.
  2. An upgrade of the Winston Avenue and Caulfield Avenue intersection, noting that Council has successfully received 100% funding as part of the Blackspot Program.
  3. The installation of a pedestrian crossing facility on Winston Avenue to improve safety for pedestrians, particularly in areas with significant foot traffic.
  4. Safety and traffic calming measures in the vicinity of schools on Little Street and Eaton Street.
  5. An upgrade of the Avenue Road and Eaton Street intersection.
  6. The introduction of a 3-hour parking limit in the hospital precinct to manage parking availability and reduce congestion.
  7. Implementation of parking controls and management of truck access on Ormond Avenue.

Based on community feedback, Council will also consider developing safety improvement options and interventions for the study area neighbouring suburbs including Melrose Park, Clarence Gardens and St Marys which are also impacted by the North South Corridor Project. It is recommended that these interventions will also be subject to further community consultation:

  1. Review and development of traffic management strategies to address congestion and safety concerns on Cashel Street.
  2. Consider potential traffic calming measures to reduce speeding and manage traffic volumes on Merriton Avenue and Ragless Street.
  3. Evaluate the need for interventions to improve road safety and manage traffic flow on Corunna Avenue.
  4. Explore options for traffic management to improve road safety and manage traffic flow on Price Street.
  5. Evaluate the need for traffic calming devices or other safety measures to address speeding and through-traffic on Rothersay Avenue.
  6. Focus on safety improvements around Edward Street and the school precinct, including potential crossing enhancements and traffic controls.
  7. Address parking and traffic issues throughout the St Marys area.
  8. Conduct a comprehensive review of the traffic conditions around St Bernadette Primary School.
  9. Explore placemaking initiatives along Goodwood Road to enhance the streetscape and improve traffic and pedestrian experience.

To find out more information about the recommendations and proposed interventions please visit our website to view the full Council Agenda or use the Important Links tab to the right of this page.

Information Session - 16 July 2024

At an information session held on July 16, 2024 Council were presented with an overview of the community engagement outcomes. They were also presented with recommendations as part of a draft local area traffic management plan based on community feedback received and technical insights.

A copy of this presentation can be found in the Documents tab to the right of this page. Council provided feedback on the proposals which will be used to formulate a Council Report to be presented in September 2024.


Be a part of developing solutions to traffic issues in Cumberland Park, Daw Park and Colonel Light Gardens West!

We are seeking your feedback following concerns raised by residents in the local area. While the State Government has consulted on the Torrens to Darlington section of the North-South Corridor project, we are seeking feedback on the local area potentially impacted by the South Road works and will provide an opportunity for the community to raise more localised issues.

Study Area Boundaries

Should you have any further enquiries in relation to this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Team on 1300 133 466 or email yoursay@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au.

10 September 2024 Full Council Meeting - Outcomes

Decision 1 - Cumberland Park and Daw Park draft Local Area Traffic Management community engagement (Carried)

Council notes the Initial Community Engagement feedback report as per Attachment A

  1. Council notes the Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) technical report presented in Attachment B
  2. Council supports undertaking further community engagement on the proposed draft LATM plan (Attachment C).

Decision 2 - Support development and community engagement on additional improvements outside the study area (Carried)

  1. Council develops conceptual options for key interventions in Melrose Park, Clarence Gardens and St Marys as outlined in this report and seeks community feedback on these options.
  2. That Council supports a one-off operating budget allocation of $30,000 for design works to be considered at Budget Review One.

For the full minutes of this meeting, please visit our website.

10 September 2024 Full Council Meeting - Background

Thank you for sharing your experiences regarding traffic in Cumberland Park, Daw Park and Colonel Light Gardens West to help us identify areas for improvement and make our roads and transport network safer for everyone.

We are pleased to share that at the 10 September 2024 Full Council Meeting a report will be presented to Council on the outcomes of the initial community engagement period, and to seek Council endorsement on the draft local area traffic management approach and associated recommendations. This includes undertaking further community engagement on a number of prosed recommendations including:

  1. A trial to reduce the speed limit to 40 km/h in the Cumberland Park and Daw Park areas.
  2. An upgrade of the Winston Avenue and Caulfield Avenue intersection, noting that Council has successfully received 100% funding as part of the Blackspot Program.
  3. The installation of a pedestrian crossing facility on Winston Avenue to improve safety for pedestrians, particularly in areas with significant foot traffic.
  4. Safety and traffic calming measures in the vicinity of schools on Little Street and Eaton Street.
  5. An upgrade of the Avenue Road and Eaton Street intersection.
  6. The introduction of a 3-hour parking limit in the hospital precinct to manage parking availability and reduce congestion.
  7. Implementation of parking controls and management of truck access on Ormond Avenue.

Based on community feedback, Council will also consider developing safety improvement options and interventions for the study area neighbouring suburbs including Melrose Park, Clarence Gardens and St Marys which are also impacted by the North South Corridor Project. It is recommended that these interventions will also be subject to further community consultation:

  1. Review and development of traffic management strategies to address congestion and safety concerns on Cashel Street.
  2. Consider potential traffic calming measures to reduce speeding and manage traffic volumes on Merriton Avenue and Ragless Street.
  3. Evaluate the need for interventions to improve road safety and manage traffic flow on Corunna Avenue.
  4. Explore options for traffic management to improve road safety and manage traffic flow on Price Street.
  5. Evaluate the need for traffic calming devices or other safety measures to address speeding and through-traffic on Rothersay Avenue.
  6. Focus on safety improvements around Edward Street and the school precinct, including potential crossing enhancements and traffic controls.
  7. Address parking and traffic issues throughout the St Marys area.
  8. Conduct a comprehensive review of the traffic conditions around St Bernadette Primary School.
  9. Explore placemaking initiatives along Goodwood Road to enhance the streetscape and improve traffic and pedestrian experience.

To find out more information about the recommendations and proposed interventions please visit our website to view the full Council Agenda or use the Important Links tab to the right of this page.

Information Session - 16 July 2024

At an information session held on July 16, 2024 Council were presented with an overview of the community engagement outcomes. They were also presented with recommendations as part of a draft local area traffic management plan based on community feedback received and technical insights.

A copy of this presentation can be found in the Documents tab to the right of this page. Council provided feedback on the proposals which will be used to formulate a Council Report to be presented in September 2024.


Be a part of developing solutions to traffic issues in Cumberland Park, Daw Park and Colonel Light Gardens West!

We are seeking your feedback following concerns raised by residents in the local area. While the State Government has consulted on the Torrens to Darlington section of the North-South Corridor project, we are seeking feedback on the local area potentially impacted by the South Road works and will provide an opportunity for the community to raise more localised issues.

Study Area Boundaries

Should you have any further enquiries in relation to this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Team on 1300 133 466 or email yoursay@mitchamcouncil.sa.gov.au.

Page last updated: 13 Jan 2025, 12:41 PM